Economic models. Business Guidance - Online Consulting

Keep innovating. It seems so easy. Just a handkerchief with a 100 euro bill ... blog ...


From a DISTANCE, you see more. It is almost impossible not to see what is happening in the world with the current (social) media and information resources. Less obvious is that a consultant or coach emphasizes the other side: not what happens outside, but what is inside . "Know thyself," is a saying as old as it is wise. And because of all the changes in the world, it is difficult to dwell on who we are. what makes us strong, and where our preferences lie.

OBJECTIVE and fast. Our method, working on a distance, makes us objective. We can provide a neutral and independent picture of your situation, in terms of productivity, organizational culture or business architecture. In addition, our method is fast. We work online and this is not only effective, but also efficient.

Do it yourself . Think about where you stand, what can be improved, but that is usually not possible without help. That help can in this case be a reflection, putting those choices in perspective. An independent third party who holds up a neutral mirror.

Assessments performed.



Risk. How much risk are you willing to take in your professional life? And how does that attitude differ in the role of investor? Taking too much risk is dangerous, but too little is not ideal either.

It is important for any professional, self-employed or entrepreneur (P, S & E) who wants to grow, to become aware of the extent to which you really want to take risks. And what yield you have in mind. For P, S & Es there is a tool to create a productivity profile. This allows you to find out where your strengths and weaknesses lie when it comes to your productive role. The big advantage of this approach is the link between the business in which the professional operates and the organizational consequences of his work. More information about tools for professionals.


What differentiates Astor from others?

Astor combines various disciplines. Astor is the specialist, White is the generalist.